Monday, January 27, 2014

My blog asked me if it is living and I told it, maybe not, but I sure am!

I have a box all ready to go to the thrift store.  My son is going along so I am just waiting for him to finish up what he is doing.  Then I remembered, "Oh, I can reward myself with writing," which partially the intent of this blog.

Imagine, my surprise, then, when I logged in and found that my last post was January 1, 2013.  Over a year ago!  Don't get me wrong; I am fully aware that I am an inconsistent blogger.  It's just that I didn't imagine it was over a year.  Being naturally curious, I then asked myself why it has been so long since I blogged on here.  Although I am still surrounded by clutter, it's certainly not because I have been keeping everything and chucking nothing.

Looking at my records on, I see I donated 6 times to 3 different locations (a total of 115 deductible items) in 2013. That doesn't include the donations I did a lousy job of recording, or that were giveable but not deductible, or that I gave to friends.  Actually, a respectable amount of decluttering did happen.  When I reflect, I realize that there were many times through the year that I was aware that I hadn't been blogging, but was also aware that it was because I didn't need to bribe myself with writing.  Decluttering had gathered its own momentum, and I got to a point that I could keep going for the sheer pleasure of unburdening myself of my things.  I was pickier about how I used my time, because I had the motivation.

What made 2013 different?  I have read every book about decluttering and organizing.  I have a knack for coming up with creative solutions.  I have started over and over and over.  Was 2013 really different?

I think it was.  Right at the end of 2012, I joined the Procrastination Cure Club hosted by coach Wendy Joy Hart.  Mind you, I know about Wendy for nearly a year, but I kept snagging free webinars, and not putting any money into it.  When I took the plunge, I got hours and hours of recordings, a workbook, a Facebook community, and monthly group coaching calls.  And I got unstuck.

The impetus for taking the plunge was the realization that my 2012 resolution was to create a home (physical, emotional, and virtual) for my inner artist-- and I had made NO progress in a whole year on the physical space.  The corner of my family room that was my office space, and potentially my art space, was so full of STUFF that I couldn't use it at all.  My mess was spilling out into the dining room because I would sit there with my laptop to pay bills.  Within a month of the cure, I had cleared off the desk enough to make it usable, and by April I had totally cleaned it out and rearranged such that I had space for my art, too.  That allowed me to make a collage I had been dreaming about forever, and to offer to make a similar name poem and collage for someone in my faith community (offered as a silent auction prize).

A leaky pipe caused water to drip into that space and everything had to be arranged, but I had tasted enough success to know that when Wendy Joy Hart revamped her Procrastination and Overwhelm Cure and offered the update to current club members at I discount, I should jump on it.  I bought it for my birthday in October, telling myself that most of what I had accomplished in 2013 was due to the help of the Procrastination Cure.  It has kept me learning and going in the direction of my dreams.  A couple of weeks ago I met Wendy in person when I attended her life event, and I'm on another level completely.  Again.

So, I am not one bit sorry that I let this blog lie fallow for over a year.  I have been tilling the soil of my life.  I can know that it's growing without showing the world a blossom every day.